

Apply Online for PAN CARD II अपना PAN CARD बनवाये ऑनलाइन Fees only Rs.200/-

घर बैठे अपना पैन कार्ड बनवाये हमसे और तुरंत अपने पास पाए वो भी मात्र Rs. 200/- में इसके अलावा और कोई चार्ज नहीं है।  आप अपने पैन कार्ड का स्टेटस घर बैठे चेक कर सकते है।  आप के घर पैन कार्ड आने से पहले हम आप को उसका स्पीड पोस्ट नंबर और पैन कार्ड न,नंबर दे देंगे।

यदि आप का पैन कार्ड गुम हो गया है या फिर उसमे कुछ गल्ती है और ठीक कराना है तो वो भी हम से करा सकते है उसकी फीस भी मात्र Rs. 200/- ही है। 


FEES :  Rs. 200/-

ऑनलाइन पैन कार्ड के लिए सरकार द्वारा मान्य डाक्यूमेंट्स की लिस्ट निचे दी गयी है। 

Identity Proof Documents (one of): (निचे दिए गए लिस्ट में से कोई एक होना चाहिए )

1. Elector's photo identity card
2. Ration card having photograph of the applicant
3. Passport
4. Driving licence
5. Arm's license
6. Aadhaar card issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India
7. Photo identity card issued by the Central Government or State Government or a Public Sector              Undertaking
8. Pensioner Card having photograph of the applicant
9. Central Government Health Scheme Card or Ex-servicemen Contributory Heath Scheme photo            card
10. Certificate of identity in original signed by a Member of Parliament or Member of Legislative            Assembly or Municipal Councillor or a Gazetted Officer, as the case may be

      Bank certificate in original on letter head from the branch (along with name and stamp of the             issuing officer) containing duly attested photograph and bank account number of the applicant 

Address Proof Document (one of) (घर के पता के लिए लिस्ट में से एक होना चाहिए) 

1. electricity bill
2. landline telephone or broadband connection bill
3. water bill
4. consumer gas connection card or book or piped gas bill
5. bank account statement
6. depository account statement
7. credit card statement
8. copy of post office pass book having address of the applicant
9. passport
10. passport of the spouse
11. voter ID card
12. latest property tax assessment order
13. driving licence
14. domicile certificate issued by the Government
15. Aadhaar card issued by the UIDAI
16. allotment letter of accommodation issued by the Central Government or State Government of not        more than three years old
17. property registration document
18. certificate of address signed by a Member of Parliament or Member of Legislative Assembly or          Municipal Councillor or a Gazetted Officer

19. employer’s certificate in original

Proof of Date of Birth (one of):(जन्मदिन के लिए लिस्ट में से एक होना चाहिए) 

1. birth certificate issued by the Municipal Authority or any office authorised to issue Birth and              Death  Certificate by the Registrar of Birth and Deaths or the Indian Consulate as defined in                clause  (d) of sub section (1) of section 2 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 (57 of 1955)
2. pension payment order
3. marriage certificate issued by Registrar of Marriages
4. matriculation certificate
5. passport
6. driving licence
7. domicile certificate issued by the Government
8. affidavit sworn before a magistrate stating the date of birth


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